Kizuna AI “Division” 2 Voice Models may belong to Activ8’s Former Location V-Fork

Kizuna AI “Division” 2 Voice Models may belong to Activ8’s Former Location V-Fork

Virtual YouTuber (VTuber) two voice models in charge of the Kizuna AI (キズナアイ) “Division” version have emerged as if they belong to the entertainment agency V-Folk (ヴイ・フォーク).

V-Fork Corporation

V-Fork is an entertainment agency that mainly has voice actors and talents. However, it was established at the old location of Activ8 (Executive Apartment 201, 7-3-7, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo), it is calling speculation there is a connection.

The voice models of two Kizuna AI (# / * editions, excluding the Chinese version) “Rio Kawakami (川上莉央)” and “Satsuki Minato (湊さつき)” are attracting attention. Their sample voices are similar to the two “Division” versions of Kizuna AI. There is no hard evidence, but the fact the company is the former location of Activ8 is causing speculation.

Kizuna AI (Original / # version / * version)

Rio Kawakami / Satsuki Minato


On the other hand, the company does not appear to have a voice model that is considered the original version of Kizuna AI.


Official Site
